Wonderful start to our Wicked Whit Camps

Posted on by Steve

What a start to our half-term Holiday & Adventure Camps!

We had the speed cage visit all our Holiday Camps yesterday and it was a huge success with some fantastic scores recorded. Top of the shots were Chloe from Buxton with 42 MPH, Tom and Danial from Disley with 42 MPH also, and the overall top score from the day was from Archie with 47 MPH.

PAS Man also managed to brave the wind and rain and visited our Glossop Campers!

We also had a cracking day on our Adventure Camp with over 20 children taking part. The day was full of adventure, including Shelter building, bushcraft activities and survival skills.

Let’s hope for the rest of the week to be as brilliant as yesterday!

Below is our team shot from yesterday’s Disley Camp. More pictures can be seen by looking at our Facebook site.










Peak Active Sport

Peak Active Sport