Steve and Mark meet Lee Sharpe

Posted on by Steve

Directors Steve Brackenridge and Mark Jennings both had the opportunity to meet a Manchester United legend, Lee Sharpe.

The sportsman evening was put on by Hollingworth Juniors FC and was a very successful event. There were over 200 people present and lots of money was raised for the club.

Peak Active Sport had a table of 10 at the event and all coaches enjoyed the atmosphere of the evening, not more so when guest speaker Lee Sharpe began speaking about his life and football career. Many great stories were told, including his time as a ‘spice boy’ and playing with such greats as Brian Robson, Mark Hughes and of course Eric Cantona.

PAS work alongside HJFC and coach there under 5, 6 and 7’s every Thursday from 6.00pm until 7.00pm at Londgendale CLC, Hollingworth, Hyde, Cheshire. SK14 8LW. For more information regarding joining the team or just to train, contact the PAS office on 01457 854069.

Pictured below is Steve, Mark and Lee Sharpe.









Peak Active Sport

Peak Active Sport