PAS News aka blog!

Posted on by Steve

Welcome to our new ‘PAS News’ page. Theย page will run just like a blog and we will be adding new articles as and whenย new developments take place.

Firstly, for those who visit our website often, you will notice some changes…ย We’veย been working hard to add some new pages to our site. You will see that we now have a memberships page, plus we’ve added a separate page for our adventure camps.

Our memberships page still has one or two more things to add to it, however after a read hopefully parents will see that there are some savings to be made by your child/children becoming a member.

Also, our adventure camps page can now be viewed by clicking on the tabs at the top of our home page. Previously you had to view it by clicking on a red button on our holiday camps page. As our adventure camps have grown, we’ve decided to create a simply way of viewing the page.

You will also notice on our adventure camps page we have some pretty exciting new developments. We’ve just teamed up with the Hollowford Centre who are based in Castleton. The HC is an outdoor education centre and linking up means we can offer more adventurous activities as part of our adventure camps. More on this in another post…

Anyway thanks for reading our first blog, see you all soon!


Steve – PAS

Peak Active Sport

Peak Active Sport