Coach Danny wins September award

Posted on by Steve

Coach Danny Tweedie has won our โ€˜Employee of the monthโ€™ competition for September!

Congratulations to him and everyone else in what has been a very hard decision due to a great month.

Back to schools for PE and other extra curricular activities is always a challenge. New schools, new children to teach, perhaps different rules, programmes and facilities from one school to the next, things that are all part of our daily challenge as we start a new academic year. Every coach has started very well and all had great feedback from head teachers.

Coach Danny has stood out in particular as he only began working with PAS since mid August and has applied his knowledge and skills to his new school’s and children. A positive and calm manner on and off the coaching field, has meant that he has fitted in very well at all his schools.

Finally, congratulations to coach Danny and good luck to all staff for our October award.

Pictured below is Septemberโ€™s winner, Danny Tweedie.


Peak Active Sport

Peak Active Sport