Category Archives: news

10 Years and countingโ€ฆ

Posted on by Steve

            Wednesday 13th January 2016 was a very important day for Peak Active Sportโ€ฆ It was on this day that we celebrated 10 years in business, a fantastic achievement for any business in todayโ€™s world. Over the years we have work very hard to built up an excellent reputation based on [โ€ฆ]

PAS News for Sept & Oct

Posted on by Steve

            PAS News for September & Octoberโ€ฆ We canโ€™t quite believe just how fast the start of this term has flown byโ€ฆ Itโ€™s been a great start to this academic year, with all school sessions running well and general participation numbers being up. Weโ€™ve also had a lovely Autumn with [โ€ฆ]

Yesโ€ฆ School Clubs are back!

Posted on by Steve

After a wonderful summer of sport our school based activities are back, and yes, this means our popular โ€˜after school clubsโ€™! This term we have new games, activities, equipment, prizes and even new staff uniform to impress the kids with. We also have a new theme in the โ€˜Premier Leagueโ€™, which will mean we will [โ€ฆ]

Another Great week of Adventure

Posted on by Steve

Last week saw another cracking week of Adventure! Our Summer Non-residential Adventure Camp was again another popular camp with everyday being fully subscribed. With various activities throughout the week, itโ€™s a real chance to try something new and push yourself to the limit! We usually start the week with our Adventure Day, which includes team [โ€ฆ]

Summer Residential Adventure Camp

Posted on by Steve

Well, what can I sayโ€ฆ Once again our residential Adventure Camp was another cracker! Our 4 day/3 night camp started last Tuesday and finished on Friday, with all kids and coaches having a blast! As usual, our camp was filled with adventurous activities which kept everyone entertained and also left everyone pretty tired by the [โ€ฆ]

PAS News for July & August

Posted on by Steve

              PAS News for July & Augustโ€ฆ Summer Camps 2015 are here! As you all will be aware many schools finish this coming week and we have a jam packed summer of activities ready to kick off on Monday 27th July! Our โ€˜Summer Soccer & Multi-Sport Holiday Campsโ€™ are [โ€ฆ]

Good Luck Kids !!!

Posted on by Steve

Most of our after school clubs are coming to an end today and we want to say a big โ€˜well doneโ€™ to all the kids who have participated! Itโ€™s been another cracking term with once again record breaking participating numbers. All in all, we have had over 1000 children taking part in our after school [โ€ฆ]

PAS T-Shirt Comp Winner isโ€ฆ

Posted on by Steve

What a competition and well done to everyone who took part. The time has come to announce the winner of our summer t-shirt designing competition. Here are the resultsโ€ฆ The top 22 โ€“ (It should have been 20, but we just couldnโ€™t take any out).               Our top 3 [โ€ฆ]

And the winner isโ€ฆ

Posted on by Steve

Our t-shirt competition has been fantastic! We have had well over 100 entries and every entry has been unique and overwhelming to receive. However, the time has come to select our winnerโ€ฆ Each coach picked their best entry, and then from there a top ten was selected by all the coaches. Then, the PAS Directors [โ€ฆ]

PAS News for May & June

Posted on by Steve

              PAS News for May & Juneโ€ฆ We have had a busy May and June is going to be even busier here at PAS! Our after school club programme is up and running with a bang, with participating numbers bigger than ever before. We usually find that the summer [โ€ฆ]

Peak Active Sport

Peak Active Sport