Coach Antony wins May award

Posted on by Steve

Congratulations to coach Antony Trucca who has won the ‘Employee of the month’ competition for May.

Antony is one of our full time staff members and does a fantastic job on and off the coaching field. He has lots of enthusiasm and is a good role model for our younger coaches, and also the children he teaches on a daily basis. Antony also won the Premier League Dream Team, accumulating more points than anyone over the course of last season.

Once again, it was another great month! We have been consistently producing top quality sessions, whether that’s been in PE or other activities PAS deliver. Our half-term Holiday & Adventure Camps were also a huge success, with over 350 children taking part, and this has a lot to do with our staff on site doing their best at all times.

Finally, well done again to Antony and good luck to everyone for June’s award!

Pictured below is May’s winner, Antony Trucca.

Antony Trucca from PAS


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Peak Active Sport