Go Boris, we couldn’t agree more…

Posted on by Steve

One of the most interesting quotes to come out of the London Olympics, is that Boris Johnson plans to push for 2 hours of PE in schools per day.

At this current moment in time, it is recommended by the government that schools should participate in at least 2 hours of PE per week. Compared to oversea curricula’s, where countries such as the US and Spain, timetable 8-10 per week on Physical Education, it is clear to see we are lingering behind at this current point.

With the success so far of Team GB, imagine the potential if we scheduled more time for PE. Perhaps we would be find more stars such as Jessica Ennis, Mo Farer and Greg Rutherford. Let’s hope that the London major can influence more PE to be taught in schools.

See the official BBC News article by clicking the link below-


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